Short courses on CI tools & technics

Know-how to do

Our Short courses on CI tools & technics aim to provide team members with a less theoretical and more practical understanding of the subject so they can drive the continual improvement system in an effective & sustainable way. All the short courses are conducted 20 -25% in the training room & 75%-80% at the real Gemba, where team members practically understand & learn how to implement and get the maximum results from it.

Below is the list of short courses offered:

5S – The face of the world-class – Model Gemba.

Operational Excellence (lean thinking), 5S is a crucial foundation tool for your journey of continuous improvement. It organizes your Gemba so that work happens effectively, efficiently, and safely. Using this system, you can ensure that every Gemba is clean, organized, productive, and free from seven wastes. Everyone gets a pleasant work environment and can move around without wasting time.

In Japanese, the 5S’s are Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke

In English, the 5S terms become Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. 

In Swahili, the term become 5K – Kuchagua, Kupanga, Kusafisha, Kudumisha, and Kufundisha.


The purpose of 5S implementation includes 

  1. Create a foundation for a journey of continual improvement.
  2. Align the team with operational excellence basic practice.
  3. We are creating a pleasant & safe work environment.
  4. Improves employee morale & they feel proud of working. 
  5. Reduce seven wastes from daily operations.
  6. We are ensuring world-class visual management.
  7. Align with world-class housekeeping practices. 

Some of the benefits of 5S  implementation:

  1. Pleasant & safer working environment for everyone,
  2. Improve the morale of team members,
  3. Improve ownership in employees,
  4. Reduces operating costs,
  5. Enables better space utilization,
  6. Improve efficiency & productivity,
  7. Improve discipline & commitment.
  8. Improve the spirit of healthy internal competition in Gema’s.
  9. It enhances the organization’s overall image to shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, and external auditing authorities.

The objectives of the workshop: 

1) Provide a clear understanding to team members of the role & importance of workplace organization (5S) in the journey of operational excellence. 

2) Understand & know the objective of 5S (Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain) and how to effectively implement the same at any Gemba, 

3) Understand seven wastes in the current plant layout and create an improvement action plan accordingly to minimize the seven wastes.

4) Established PEEP (Place for Everything and Everything in its Place) & system of SMIR (Single Minute Information Retrieval),

5) Improve empowerment & ownership towards the 5S score improvement & sustainability, 

6) Understand the requirements of Model Gemba, Model office, Model machine, Model store, and how to implement the same. 

7) Established an internal 5S audit system to review the progress,

8) Create a future 5S improvement action plan,


Module 1: Overview of 5S Workplace Management Technique

Module 2: 1-S Implementation Methodology

Module 3: 2-S Implementation Methodology

Module 4: 3-S Implementation Methodology

Module 5: 4-S Implementation Methodology

Module 6: 5S Implementation Methodology



Who should attend this – Top management, Managers, HOD & Middle Management, Supervisors. Production Team members, Quality Control & Assurance team members, Health and safety manager, Lean/Kaizen Facilitators, Office Staff, Maintenance Employee, HR Team, Sales & Marketing team, all the store & logistics in charge & team members.


The optimum number of participants is 20 to 50  individuals.


Time – 5 days ( 8 hrs every day)

Location – Training room & Gemba.

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) – High & adequate equipment availability.

Total productive maintenance (TPM) is a holistic plant maintenance approach to ensure the highest availability of all the equipment with the best working conditions to achieve maximum possible quality, quantity, and safety.

TPM is a way of increasing effectiveness regarding a machine’s productivity and ensuring that every team member understands their role & responsibility to look after the equipment they are working on. By implementing a practical TPM, an organization can ensure that there is no unwanted downtime of equipment which will lead to an overall decrease in the production quantity & quality output.

For the TPM method to be effective, eight pillars govern it.

  1. Autonomous Maintenance (AM) 
  2. Preventive / Planned Maintenance (PM)
  3. Early Management of New Equipment
  4. Process Quality Management
  5. Focused improvement
  6. Education and Training
  7. Administrative / Office Maintenance
  8. Safety (people & environment)  

The purpose of TPM  implementation includes

  1. Introduce a world-class plant maintenance strategy. 
  2. Improve the OEE.
  3. Ensure proper equipment management system.
  4. Improve MTBF – Reduce the number of equipment breakdowns.
  5. Reduce MTTR – Increase repair & maintenance work efficiency.
  6. Improve ownership & discipline in maintenance management.
  7. Create high numbers of model machines.

Some of the benefits of TPM  implementation:

  1. Less unplanned maintenance and equipment downtime

  2. Lower repair & maintenance costs.

  3. Lower manufacturing costs by improving output.

  4. Improve Workplace safety

  5. Improved employee morale

  6. Improve MOTIF

  7. Improve quality rate

  8. Environment-friendly process

  9. It enhances the organization image to shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, and external auditing authorities.

The objectives of the workshop: 

  1. Learning & understanding a world-class plant maintenance approach & align your daily maintenance work with world-class maintenance standards & KPIs
  2. Changing the mindset of the production and maintenance team – Define roles & responsibilities in plant maintenance management.
  3. Understand the six big losses & how they impact OEE performance, & what our approach should be to minimize them continuously.
  4. It’s a Method of collecting maintenance-related data for compelling & productive analysis.
  5. Method & approach to creating preventive maintenance schedule across the plant 
  6. Understand the purpose & implementation of A, B & C ratings across the plant.

Who should attend this – Managers, HOD, supervisors, Key team members from production, all the team members from Maintenance, team leaders, and key employees from other Gemba, The optimum. The optimum number of participants is 10 to 25 individuals.

Time – 4 days ( 8 hrs every day)

Location – Training room & Gemba.

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Whether you deliver a product or service, you must always have impeccable quality. It does not matter how long you have been in business; one small mistake can be your undoing. You must keep reducing or eliminating any errors affecting your supply chain. 

Total Quality Management is the process of streamlining supply chain management and ensuring that all the clients (internal & external) are satisfied with the final product or service they get. Every Gemba needs to be held accountable to ensure the quality of products and services they supply each time. If every Gemba upholds the standardization, the organization will deliver quality every time.

To ensure that the TQM principles are practical & upheld, emphasize fact-based decision-making and clear communication between all the Gemba. Quality-related performance metrics will also help monitor the progress, so TQM principles are always practical.

Principles of TQM

  1. Customer-focused.  

  2. Process-centered approach.

  3. Systems Approach

  4. Total employee involvement. 

  5. Continual improvement. 

  6. Fact-based decision-making. 

  7. Strategic and systematic approach. 

  8. Communications. 

  9. Leadership

  10. Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationship

The purpose of TQM implementation includes 

  1. Ensure total customer satisfaction and retention
  2. Improve on the totality of supply chain functions
  3. Provide a range of products and services
  4. Address all dimensions of quality
  5. Improve profits and generate new business for the future
  6. Involve everyone in the organization in the company objectives
  7. Detect, reduce and eliminate manufacturing errors
  8. Prevent problems before they occur
  9. Make sure employees are trained in quality and improve their productivity
  10. Focus on continual process improvement of procedures.

Some of the benefits of TQM implementation:

  1. Fewer product defects. 
  2. Improved customer focus and satisfaction
  3. Strengthened competitive position
  4. Higher productivity
  5. Reduced costs and better cost management
  6. Increased customer loyalty and retention
  7. Improved employee morale & job security
  8. Improved and innovative process
  9. Adaptability to changing or emerging market conditions and to environmental and other government regulations
  10. It enhances the organization’s image to shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, visitors, and external auditing authorities.

The objectives of the workshop: 

  1. Detailed knowledge and information about total quality management.
  2. Bring attention to the role & responsibility every Gemba plays when creating a supply chain system to achieve customer satisfaction.
  3. The team understands the cost of poor quality.
  4. Understand & get aligned with the world-class method & techniques to establish an effective TQM system across the organization.
  5. Enabling the team to benchmark and set the quality standards for products & services for every Gemba & across the organization.
  6. Provide knowledge & empower the team to conduct in-house short training sessions to train other team members on the shop floor
  7. How to create a compelling visual communication system?
  8. Understand and establish an audit system for existing processes and techniques to ensure the best practice implementation is done effectively and maintained across the organization.
  9. Show the organization how to improve its image to the shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, visitors, and external auditing authorities.

Who should attend this – Top management, Managers, HOD, Key team members from Quality, Production, and Maintenance, Team leaders, and key employees from other Gemba.

The optimum number of participants is 5 to 25  individuals.

Time – 4 days ( 8 hrs every day)

Location – Training room & Gemba.

Seven QC tools – A scientific approach for quality improvement.

Worldwide, organizations lose billions every year due to poor quality, and that’s why it becomes critical to understand the cost of poor quality; to reduce this one thing, you need to ensure quality at all times. Remember that any activity can go wrong in our process, leading to poor quality of product & service.

We need to establish a scientific method to analyze and understand the nature, cause, effects, and trend of the non-conformity towards our quality standards and need to ensure this does not happen again. 

Seven QC tools became famous worldwide as they helped improve the overall operation quality. Learning to implement seven QC tools effectively is the key to creating an effective & sustainable TQM culture for any organization.

The seven QC tools:

  1.  Pareto analysis,
  2.  Fishbone diagram,
  3. Checksheet.
  4.  Histogram,
  5. Scatter diagram,
  6. Run chart (also known as a stratification chart)
  7. Control chart

The purpose of the seven QC tools implementation includes

  1. Align your organization to world-class standards of quality improvement.
  2. Achieve zero customer complaints.
  3. Establish a scientific and logical approach for quality problem-solving.
  4. Improve the quality of products and services sustainably.
  5. Create and Improve awareness at every level towards quality improvement.

Some of the benefits of seven QC tool implementations:

  1. It Improves customer satisfaction in quality & service.
  2. It stabilizes a system to provide more transparent information to the team about quality problems.
  3. To provide a clear directional path to quality-related problem-solving.
  4. Easy to understand, communicate and implement, yet highly effective.
  5. To Improves the quality of products and services.
  6. Improve and gives a focus direction to quality improvement strategy.
  7. It Helps team members to identify causes of problems in a very scientific way, giving more accuracy and reliability to data. 
  8. Provide an alignment to the quality improvement action plan.
  9. It helps identify and analyze problems during the process, allowing the team to take quick action on the cause of the defect.
  10. Encourages morale and ownership in the team and creates a healthy culture for quality improvement.
  11. It Enhances the organization image to shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, visitors, and external auditing authorities.

The objectives of the workshop: 

  1. Understand loss and long-term impact on a business due to poor quality.
  2. Understand the importance of scientific methods for qualitative data analyses.
  3. Understand what are the seven QC tools
  4. Understand the purpose of seven QC tools.
  5. When, where, and how to use different QC tools.
  6. Know how to collect the required data accurately.
  7. Understand how to use visual management to display and communicate data.
  8. Learn how to create an improvement action plan.
  9. Know how to define role & ownership to implement an improvement action plan.
  10. Training & coaching of team members to sustain the culture of quality improvement

Who should attend this – Managers, HOD, Key team members from Quality, Production, and Maintenance, Team leaders, and key employees from other Gemba.

The optimum number of participants is 5 to 20  individuals.

Time – 4 days (8 hrs every day)

Location – Training room & Gemba.

Quick Changeover  – A team with Formula One thinking

  Changeover is a necessary process in an organization, although it adds no value. For this reason, you need to find ways to either remove the changeover process or reduce the time it takes. Quick Changeover is the time taken to change a piece of equipment from producing the last good portion of a production lot to the first good piece of the next production lot. Quick changeover is also referred to as a single-minute exchange of die (SMED).

A great example where quick change over matters is the pit crew in a Formula One race track. The time they take on a car will determine whether the driver wins the race. The pit crew needs to ensure everything is done in record time so the driver gets to win.

Steps in changeover

  1. Identify pilot machine/product for changeover improvement.
  2. Train team about scop with method & techniques.
  3. Observe the current changeover process step by step – Time-keeping. 
  4. Identify elements – categorize the internal and external activities.
  5. Conduct team brainstorming sessions for all possible improvements.
  6. Covert as many as internal activities into external activities. 
  7. Optimize all internal and external activities. 
  8. Document & standardize the new procedure.
  9. Create future improvement action plans – 4W1H, 
  10. Create a visual system to follow the progress.
  11. Most important – celebrate the success.  


Some of the benefits of Quick changeover:

  1. Eliminate or minimize all forms of waste
  2. Small change over time – Lower Manufacturing Cost
  3. A more flexible, quick changeover process will allow for planning smaller Lot Sizes.
  4. Lower Inventory Levels: smaller lot sizes result in lower inventory levels,
  5. Improved quick responsiveness towards Customer demand,
  6. Improve quality rate. 
  7. Startup method standardization reduces the rejection..
  8. Improve safety and employee morale at the workplace. 
  9. It enhances the organization’s image to shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, visitors, and external auditing authorities.



The objectives of the workshop : 

  1. Understand why changeover is considered a non-value activity.
  2. Knowing how minimizing changeover time can impact manufacturing costs.
  3. Understand how quick changeover implementation can help to control inventory.
  4. How to select a machine/product to start QCT improvement.
  5. Understand all the QCT elements &  -Timekeeping, Internal & external activity, and Method (of working) improvement.
  6. How to standerdaise the changeoevr process.
  7. How to Improve involvement and ownership of team members.
  8. Define role & responsibility. 
  9. Improve the morale of team members.
  10. It enhances the organization’s image to shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, visitors, and external auditing authorities.



Who should attend this – Managers, HOD, supervisors, Changeover team members, maintenance, production, quality & Supply chain team members, key employees from every Gemba, 

The optimum number of participants is 5 to 30  individuals.


Time – 4 days (8 hrs every day)

Location – Training room & Gemba.